Community Connections is proud of the services we offer for the local community in North Dorset. We are currently compiling a list of testimonies to give people the opportunity to tell us what they think of us and any project or event they would like us to do or organise for the future. To tell us what you think, good or bad, or how we can improve our services, please email us at: admin@friendsofstourconnect.org
Buffet, Wednesday 9th March
Hi Andy/Sheryn,
Thank you so much for the lovely lunch you provided today! It went down splendidly!! Everybody was commenting on how nice it was…and those chocolate brownies…HEAVEN!! 😋 We look forward to working with you again 🙂 We do still have some of the plastic trays as there were a few bits left over, we will bring them across in the next couple of days once people in the office have helped themselves.